Thursday, 26 March 2015

Grade 6: Elevations and time zones

Hi Grade 6,

These are your last two maps!  Great work so far.

The first map you are working on is elevation.  

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly sea level when referring to a map of a county.  So, in this case we are going to be looking at where there are mountains in North America.

elevation map of North America

You will notice on the side of the map there is a legend with different shades of colours indicating a different numbers in meters.  That number and corresponding colour shows how high it is about sea level. 

I would like you to do a similar colouring system, making sure to label the the colour with the height above sea level.  

Secondly, label directly on the map where the major mountain ranges are in North America.

The second map you are working on is time zones. 

  1. The Earth rotates.  The Earth spins all the way around in 24 hours, meaning that for some part of the day we are facing the sun (day) and other parts of the day we are away facing away from the sun (night). If we had one single time zone for Earth, noon would be the middle of the day in some places, but it would be morning, evening and the middle of the night in others. Since different parts of the Earth enter and exit daylight at different timeswe need different time zones.

You will notice on the map that Alaska is showing 12:00.  If you look down at the legend Alaska standard time is pink.  
When it is 12:00 in Alaska standard time it is 4:00 where we live.  Our time zone is called Eastern standard time.

On your map I would like you to indicate the time zones with a corresponding colour and a clock in each time zone.  Pick one time zone to be 12:00 and figure out what time it would be in the other time zones

Due April 3rd

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