Thursday 26 March 2015

Grade 6: Elevations and time zones

Hi Grade 6,

These are your last two maps!  Great work so far.

The first map you are working on is elevation.  

The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly sea level when referring to a map of a county.  So, in this case we are going to be looking at where there are mountains in North America.

elevation map of North America

You will notice on the side of the map there is a legend with different shades of colours indicating a different numbers in meters.  That number and corresponding colour shows how high it is about sea level. 

I would like you to do a similar colouring system, making sure to label the the colour with the height above sea level.  

Secondly, label directly on the map where the major mountain ranges are in North America.

The second map you are working on is time zones. 

  1. The Earth rotates.  The Earth spins all the way around in 24 hours, meaning that for some part of the day we are facing the sun (day) and other parts of the day we are away facing away from the sun (night). If we had one single time zone for Earth, noon would be the middle of the day in some places, but it would be morning, evening and the middle of the night in others. Since different parts of the Earth enter and exit daylight at different timeswe need different time zones.

You will notice on the map that Alaska is showing 12:00.  If you look down at the legend Alaska standard time is pink.  
When it is 12:00 in Alaska standard time it is 4:00 where we live.  Our time zone is called Eastern standard time.

On your map I would like you to indicate the time zones with a corresponding colour and a clock in each time zone.  Pick one time zone to be 12:00 and figure out what time it would be in the other time zones

Due April 3rd

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Grade 5: Budgets

This is the last part of the city portion of you project! Great work so far, you should be very proud of yourselves.

Today you are going to look at you town/city budget.  A budget is a break down where money is spent and how much money comes in.  Ideally, you don't want to spend more money then you have coming in.

Each city/town should make available its budget, but it might take some digging around the website to find.  If you get stuck I can help.

The first thing I want you to do is make a pie chart showing the top three things your city spends it money on.  The rest you can add up and put in other.

For example here is the 2015 Collingwood budget. On page 12 is a good summary of where the money is being spent.  Pick the top three largest expenses and make it into a pie chart using this Pie chart maker. When you're done print it.

Here is an example of the one I made for Collingwood

Finally, find out how much money your city collects in taxes.  Cities collect taxes from each person who owns a home in that city.  This is called property tax and the amount you pay depends of how much your house is worth.

This is Due April 3

Sunday 1 March 2015

Grade 6 North America Climate and Agriculture

Hello grade sixers!

Today we are going to look at the climate (the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period) in North America and the Agriculture (farming) in North America.  You are going to create 2 maps, one for climate and one for agriculture.  As per usual, the maps need to be neat, have a legend, a title and a compass rose.

See these links for the maps.

Agriculture (ignore the text boxes)


After you have completed the maps lie them out in front of you and make some observations.  Use the questions below as a starting point

What do you notice about the climate and the type of farming?

What type of farming does each country do? Does it have anything to do with the climate of each country?

Which country has more suitable farmland?

Answer these questions, based on your own observations and write a one page summery about your findings.  It is a good idea to make point form notes first (as a rough copy) and then write it out in full sentences.  I don't simply want to see the questions and your written answer below it.  The questions above are a starting place and I want your group to take these questions and form a well thought out response to the correlation between agriculture and climate


Grade 5 local news

Hello grade 5's

Today you are going to be looking through your chosen city/town local paper.

To find the local city's newspaper's website try typing into Google the name of the city and local news. (For example Winnipeg local news) When the results come up look for words in the title line that would indicate it's a newspaper.

Find three articles, read them and summarize what they are about.

For example:

In Barrie a five you old boy called 911.  The little boy's mother was having multiple seizures last Saturday night and the boy did the right thing by calling 911. The police were so impressed by what the boy did they are putting his name forward for a citizen citation award 

Second, create a map that shows where your chosen city is located in Canada.  Your map should be clearly labelled, have a title and a compass rose.