Thursday 26 February 2015

Grade 5 features of a city/town

Today your are going to explore your city's webpage.  First spend a few minutes looking around and clicking each tab to become familiar with what's on each page. Once you have become comfortable with the website find the answer to these questions:

1. What is a major celebration or festival in the town/city?
    (When you are on the webpage look for words like attractions, arts and culture, festivals, tourism)

The city of ___________________________ has a major festival called ____________________.  Its is held every year on _________________________. This festival is _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is a major feature or landmark in the town/city?
    (This can be really anything the city seems proud of; a beach, a monument, a theater)

One of the major landmarks in _______________ is _____________________________________.    Its is important to ____________________ because ______________________________________

3. What does the town/city flag or coat of arms look like?
    (Some towns or cities may not have a flag, make sure to check google images before you give up)
 Using the supplies you have available at school or home draw and colour your city's flag.

Due March 6

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