Thursday, 26 February 2015

Grade 5 features of a city/town

Today your are going to explore your city's webpage.  First spend a few minutes looking around and clicking each tab to become familiar with what's on each page. Once you have become comfortable with the website find the answer to these questions:

1. What is a major celebration or festival in the town/city?
    (When you are on the webpage look for words like attractions, arts and culture, festivals, tourism)

The city of ___________________________ has a major festival called ____________________.  Its is held every year on _________________________. This festival is _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is a major feature or landmark in the town/city?
    (This can be really anything the city seems proud of; a beach, a monument, a theater)

One of the major landmarks in _______________ is _____________________________________.    Its is important to ____________________ because ______________________________________

3. What does the town/city flag or coat of arms look like?
    (Some towns or cities may not have a flag, make sure to check google images before you give up)
 Using the supplies you have available at school or home draw and colour your city's flag.

Due March 6

Grade 6 Natural Resources in Canada and the US

Both Canada and the United States are rich in natural resources. North America benefits greatly from  its fertile soil, plentiful freshwater, oil, mineral deposits and forests. Today we are going to focus on two different natural resources: oil and forests. Your job is to create two maps (one for oil and one for forests) indicating where the resources can be found in North America.  Your map should be clearly labelled, have a legend, a title and a Compass Roes.

After your group has completed each map spend some times researching that natural resources and write a paragraph to one page about your findings.  For example; which country has more oil, which country uses more oil, how does each country manage its forest, what is the lumber used for, what types of jobs are created etc 

Maps you will find helpful

Oil deposits in North America

Forests of North America

Below are a list of webpages to help you with your research  

The importance of oil

Oil reserves in Canada

Oil reserves in USA

Oil consumption by country

Forests in USA

Forests in Canada

Due March 6

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Grade 5 - What does a mayor do?

With your partner or on your own

Choose a city anywhere in Canada with a population over 30, 000.
On a piece of paper write:

City: ________________________
Population: ________________

The Mayor of _____________ is ____________________

The job of  a mayor is to _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Try these links to help you understand the role of a mayor
Role of a mayor

  • Full marks will be given when all questions are answered, the writing is neat and legible (remember this is a large project broken into pieces, if you write it neat the first time you may not have to do a good copy).
  • Due February 27

Grade 6 - Map of major tourist areas in North America

With your partner or on your own
  • Label the major tourist attractions on a map of North America listed below.
  • Your map is small so use numbers to indicate location, and write the full name with the corresponding number at the bottom or separate sheet (your design choice)
  • Create a colour system with a legend indicating type of attraction (example: blue numbers national parks, red numbers amusement parks etc.)     

National Park
Land Mark
Amusement Park
Famous Structures

  1. Florida Keys
  2. Horseshoe Bend
  3. Niagara Falls
  4. Yellowstone National Park
  5. Grand Canyon
  6. Banff National Park
  7. Yosemite National Park
  8. Statue of Liberty
  9. Canadian Rockies
  10. Golden Gate Bridge
  11. Walk Disney World
  12. Time Square
  13. Great Smoky Mountain National Park
  14. Rocky Mountain National Park
  15. Arches National Park
  16. Metropolitan Museum of Art
  17. White House
  18. CN Tower
  19. Disneyland
  20. Hollywood
  21. Alcatraz Island
  22. Jasper National Park
  23. French Quarter
  24. Hoover Dam
  25. Busch Gardens
  26. Mount Rushmore
  • Full marks will be given to maps that have all locations labelled.  The map is neat and legible.  You have added a Compass Rose, and a legend.
  • This map is due February 27th
  • Write a short paragragh about some observations you made while making this map (where are most of the tourist destinations, what kinds of places do tourists like to travel too)
  • Or, pick one tourist desitinations and do a little write up about it (pamphlet, pictures, etc) 
  • Type the location name into Google then zoom out until you can see the outline of the State or Province